Are You A Good Candidate For Using Kybella To Reduce The Appearance Of Your Double Chin?

Posted on: 7 September 2021


If you have a double chin that doesn't seem to go away no matter how much weight you lose, it might simply be genetic. Double chins are caused by a buildup of fat in the submental region in your neck, which is right underneath your chin. It can be extremely difficult to burn fat in this area, resulting in a double chin that never seems to go away.

One way that you can rapidly reduce the appearance of your double chin is by receiving Kybella injections. Kybella is made from deoxycholic acid, which is what your body naturally uses to digest fats. It's injected into your submental region in order to break apart fat cells, and the resulting debris from the fat cells will be eliminated as waste from your body. Destroying the fat cells in your submental region helps significantly reduce the appearance of your double chin, and the fat cells typically won't come back due to the fact that your body rarely makes new ones after puberty. To find out if you're a good candidate for Kybella, read on.

You're Young and Near Your Ideal Weight

Kybella is an excellent choice for younger people who want to improve the appearance of their double chin due to the fact that younger people have skin that's more elastic. Once your body eliminates the fat cells after your treatment, the skin underneath your chin will tighten. It's easier for skin to do this when it's more elastic.

Being near your ideal body weight will also help improve your results after the procedure. While it's extremely difficult to completely remove submental fat through weight loss alone, losing weight can still help reduce the amount that you have. Fully eliminating your double chin may require multiple treatment sessions with Kybella, and it's easier to get rid of it when you don't have as much submental fat to begin with — this helps you need fewer treatment sessions before you achieve your ideal results.

You Don't Want to Go Through a Surgical Procedure

For improving the appearance of a double chin, the main alternative to Kybella is chin liposuction. Even though chin liposuction is performed on a small area of your body, liposuction is still a surgical procedure that requires sedation and anesthesia, and both of these have risks associated with them. Kybella is minimally invasive, and it only requires injections slightly underneath the skin. The entire treatment procession is rapid and can be performed with a numbing cream that's applied underneath your skin. If you want to reduce the size of your double chin without the risks associated with liposuction, then Kybella is your best choice.

You Have a Mild or Moderate Amount of Fat Underneath Your Chin

Since Kybella is injected slightly underneath your skin into your submental fat deposits, it can sometimes be difficult to reach fat deposits that are deep within your skin. People who have a mild or moderate submental fat deposits are the best candidates for Kybella, since it's most effective at destroying the fat cells that are near the skin. Keep in mind, however, that a small amount of submental fat can result in a highly visible double chin — even if yours looks large, it's best to consult a dermatologist to get an idea of how much fat is truly n your submental area.

To find out if Kybella is the best choice to reduce the appearance of your double chin, schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. A dermatologist will be able to explain the injection procedure to you and help you determine if you're a good candidate. If you've been struggling with trying to get rid of a highly visible double chin, Kybella can often help you quickly get the ideal chin shape you've been looking for.