Saving Your Own Neck: How To Protect This Most Delicate Skin With Lifestyle Changes And The Help Of A Dermatologist

Posted on: 17 September 2020


Unfortunately, many people don't give the delicate skin on their neck the attention it needs until damage is done. That damage may be from the sun's harmful rays, a slew of discount products that aren't fit for the skin anywhere on your body, much less the fragile areas, or from some other source, but once that damage is done, it's difficult to impossible to undo. Save your own neck now, before Father Time and other destructive forces claim it first.

Choose A High-Quality Sunscreen

Your chest and neck sustain a lot of sun damage and this can be a hard area to cover, but that doesn't mean any old sunscreen is good enough. Harmful ingredients in sunscreens won't just negatively affect your skin over time, they could threaten your health too. Even if you have to pay extra, find a product that protects you from the sun without causing additional complications.

Simplify Skincare

Applying a number of products to your neck may make you look more like an Instagram star, but it's not likely to benefit your skin very much. Rubbing the neck often, too, could be damaging, especially once you're past the point when collagen is plentiful. Cleansing, toning, moisturizing, then adding foundation, bronzer, and other beautifiers is simply overdoing this delicate area, even if you're still young enough for your skin to absorb the abuse. It will all add up eventually; thus, a simple, but effective skincare routine is best.

Maintain Posture With A Purpose

From the inside out, poor posture can do a number on you, but particularly your neck. Any repeated motion or continuous position will leave unwanted lines from your chin to your chest, not to mention possibly causing issues with your spine and/or back and shoulder pain. Keep your head up but in a natural and not strained position, and limit your tech time too. 

Avoid Significant Weight Fluctuations

Skin is capable of stretching to conform to your body; however, it takes time to adapt and won't be as successful as you get older and lose some of your prized elasticity. Losing or gaining more than a few pounds can leave you with unnecessary wrinkles, especially on your neck, even producing the dreaded double-chin or drooping jowl characteristics. Take pounds off or put them on slowly and methodically, all the while carefully calculating the workout you need to complement the body changes, rather than conflict with them.

Don't Exercise Too Vigorously

Any straining of the neck muscles may produce a body-builder type appearance, which is fine if that's your thing, but most people, particularly those of the female persuasion, don't want all those veins and muscles popping out. Be aware of how your neck area is being pulled or strained and understand what movements involve the neck muscles so that any change in appearance is intentional (or avoided completely).

Talk To A Dermatologist For Customized And Effective Advice

To say that the lovely neck area is complicated and difficult to keep up with over time and with even ordinary living is an understatement. You may benefit from a specific product or procedure, but the only way to discover this on your own is through the possibly damaging process of trial-and-error. Ask a dermatologist about your neck and how you can keep it looking smooth and healthy. Inquire about the services only a dermatologist can provide for you with customized precision, such as:

  • Fillers, like hyaluronic acid, which even out bumps, dimples, and wrinkles
  • Prescription-strength ointments for every problem from acne to wrinkles and rashes (often caused by using the wrong products)
  • Lasers, rollers, heat and radiofrequency techniques, to name just a little of the magic they can work
  • Collagen-stimulating therapies, which delves deep into the layers of your skin
  • Information about your skin type, lifestyle, genetics, and other factors that influence wrinkles

A dermatology clinic is where you'll find the skin-specific doctor who can answer all your questions and offer the solutions you can't find anywhere else. Especially if you're now noticing changes in the more dainty areas of your body like the neck and under your eyes, this isn't the time nor place to experiment. 

The neck is such a delicate area, with any damage inflicted likely to be permanent, so you don't want to take any chances. It takes extra care and expert knowledge to preserve and protect the skin on your neck, so make an appointment with a dermatologist's office, such as Desert Dermatology & Skin Cancer Specialists.